ubxrx0h4vx23xssa7gpcflm75zjx1c Why Choose Us? | Kama'aina Handyman
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The Full Story

Kama'aina Handyman was originally started after one of our founders tried to have some minor drywall patching done.  After weeks of unanswered phone calls, unreturned voicemails, and neglected emails, Joseph finally found someone willing to do a couple hours of work.  They required a deposit, couldn't do the work for a month, and then, when they finally showed up, they did a poor job.  Thus, the idea for Kama'aina Handyman was born -- we are the "uncle who does knows how to do that," but...we actually answer the phone and show up.


Kama'aina Handyman is directly affiliated with O'ahu Home Inspections.  They are one of O'ahu's top inspection companies.  Though we are not directly affiliated with any other companies, we do offer recommendations for different contractors and specialists, most of whom we have direct experience observing or working with and can personally testify to their quality.

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